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  1. D

    Trigger warning loss: my baby girl died

    @emari333 Thank you so much, again sobbing but your words are so kind. I don’t know how I’ll make it through each day but I’m going to try for Iris.
  2. D

    Trigger warning loss: my baby girl died

    @bioleap Thank you, I’m sobbing right now reading your message. I’m sorry for your loss as well and you’re right I feel like I failed her as in if only I’d rushed to the hospital even an hour earlier they could have saved her. Bless you and thank you I hope Reese Jolene is with Iris Joelene...
  3. D

    Trigger warning loss: my baby girl died

    On March 12th 2023 I experienced the most painful event of my life. I woke up and baby was moving but it was light, throughout the day she kept moving and I didn’t find anything concerning. I’d told my doctor on Thursday March 9th at my appointment that I was having contractions and that I felt...