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  1. T

    A bigger age gap can be a good thing

    @tantman My youngest brother is 8 years younger than me and 5 years younger than my other brother. We are all really close, especially now that we're adults. We are often joking that I was his 'second mother', but in a totally positive way. We were really close when he was a toddler / child, and...
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    Are my concerns not worth choosing not to have another, and will I regret it?

    @jello123 On the point of #1 being a unicorn baby - I can relate. Ours was also a unicorn baby, super easy sleeper (although not high sleep needs, just easy to fall asleep and sleep through the night) and always a happy baby / toddler. We haven't yet hit the terrible twos so things can still...
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    Can’t decide

    @jakelab The 'future dinner table' thing never resonated with me, instead I asked myself "do I want to meet another unique person? Do I want to love them, follow them through life and get to know them, see the world through their eyes?" Because I think every child deserves a "yes" to those...
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    A matter of when not if…

    @leah_talbot It's such a personal decision, but to me, 2 year age gap always sounded really exhausting. I have a two year old now and I'm so glad I can fully concentrate on her. I think in a year's time she will be so much more understanding, helpful and independent. We haven't (yet) hit the...
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @anlytcphil I actually prefer for daycare to speak in English only and not to use German words, so that she can learn which person speaks which language. German is our minority language, only I speak it with her. So naturally she doesn't have many German words yet, but I'm not too word because...
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    Decision taking over my life

    @bobharms Oh yeah, definitely agree. This question is just the starting point, the 'necessary' but not 'sufficient' condition so to speak. But OP was talking about feeling guilty that they were 'probably OAD' so that's why I phrased it like that
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    Decision taking over my life

    @chopper1690 I hear you. What I would ask you: Do you have the desire to meet another unique, incredible person, be their world, see them grow, discover their personality? If not, that's okay. Don't feel guilty. I think every child deserves to be truly wanted, so if you don't feel like that...
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    Could someone decide for me 🙃

    @clare5890 All your reasons speak to staying OAD, the only reason to have another child is guilt. Guilt isn't a good enough reason to bring another person into this world. You don't have to say no forever, but you can tell your husband "right now, this terrifies me and I believe children deserve...