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  1. D

    How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

    My 4 month old has her 4 month pediatrician appointment on Friday, and I’m already dreading the vaccines. When she received her shots at the 2 month appointment, she wailed like I’ve never seen her wail, and it automatically made me cry. I did my best to stay calm so I could calm her, but it...
  2. D

    Is it okay that my 4.5 mo’s bed time is 6-6:30 pm?

    @godfavour Some days we do a feed around 4:30/5 pm too and she sleeps a little later. I don’t know if this schedule is normal but good to know someone else’s LO is doing the same.
  3. D

    Is it okay that my 4.5 mo’s bed time is 6-6:30 pm?

    My 4.5 month old has always been a decent but chaotic sleeper. Just recently though, every day she has started acting super tired around 5:30 pm. It takes everything I’ve got to get her to not freak out from being overtired before 6 pm when I feel like it’s normal to start a bedtime routine...