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  1. L

    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    @mcg1102 My provider told me this as well and said that it was better to delay progesterone than start too early. I was told progesterone slows the movement of the cilia in the fallopian tubes.
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    No signs of ovulation a few cycles after D&C

    @helenm12 Trigger warning: LC After my d&c, my cycle had some permanent changes. My LH peaks never got as high as they did before the d&c, or at least I never caught them! I also had less CM in general and no longer had EWCM. But I got pregnant with my daughter without EWCM and with an LH...
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    C-Section mums who are pumping - How long did it take to fully establish your milk supply?

    @moonphantom I’m also an exclusive pumper! r/exclusivelypumping is a great community - maybe try posting there?