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  1. R

    My Pumping Bag Setup

    @izien Big agree RE the time. Also, man was it painful for a couple weeks. Nurses told me "oh it shouldn't be painful" but every BF mom I've spoken to had told me "uhh that's BS lol it hurts for a while". Turns out having constant friction and moisture on the nips makes em a lil tender! And...
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    My Pumping Bag Setup

    @davidtree Awesome. So glad it could help!
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    My Pumping Bag Setup

    @rakib Heheh I chuckled at "algorithm" but that's really what it is hah
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    My Pumping Bag Setup

    Hey all, just thought I would share my work/on-the-go pumping setup as I've been pretty happy with it. I cobbled it together by searching Amazon and Googling various things and thought it may help someone else. I was kind of unsure of how exactly pumping, storing, etc. would work before I...
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    Using TCB’s S.I.T.B.A.C.K feels like the same night over and over again. Will it get better?

    @kingdomincreseguy I had a similar question and emailed support and they said even if you haven't "beaten the record" feed after 30 minutes. LO will eventually get the hang of it (I hope! Ours did! Until the 4 mo regression but we won't talk about that lol yours is already past when ours had...