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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @stefana This is so true and I worked really hard on the court order and he agreed to it all. Which for me that was the end of negotiations. I am focusing on not engaging unless it’s the question I asked him about.
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @visilda Thank you so much. Yes it’s a hard road to travel and I appreciate all sides because when I get upset about it, I end up with tunnel vision. Thank you so much. Same to you. Having another who “gets it” is so awesome.
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @visilda This is actually a huge help. These are good reminders for me to slow down and focus on all of these scenarios rather than the nightmare in my head. Thank you.
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @visilda Thank you for your feedback. I agree that I have a lot of pent up anger and resentment. Something I am working on for me and my children's sake. I often think my hang up is that I spent almost 8 yeas trying to "fix" or make his relationship with his daughter the best it could be and...
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @gigimo Thank you. I appreciate that advice. And I appreciate your wording of entitled to my time. You’re right, that is not an option he has anymore. Thank you
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @massave I forget that NO is all that is needed. I will work on making that a habit more often. Thank you
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @saved071275 Thank you so much. I will for sure be looking into this.
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @xlembonis Thank you. Yes I know parent alienation is such a vague and broad area of concern. I want my kids to be happy and the less I can see them hurt at such a young age the better. I’m time I expect that I will let my little guy experience it more first hand. I agree that parenting...
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @newcombe2 Thank you. This will be a great answer for me To repeat and repeat until he chooses whatever it is he is going to do. I am thankful the likelihood of him returning to a judge is very slim but not impossible. Me learning to handle this without giving myself a heart attack is also...
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    Ex didn’t get custody he wanted in divorce but insists on asking/starting arguments about it every time we talk My ex was never an involved parent (our son is 7) and when it came to divorce he acted as if he should get more time just because “it’s what’s fair” to him. I drew up the divorce...