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  1. M

    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    @goggleeyes18 Bro I feel like there are so few of us, though I'm sure it's not true. All I see are women with partners older than them by 3-5 years or their age and I'm like. X_X I love my fiance but dang it's weird comparing where I was to him, I don't want to pressure him so I try not to talk...
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    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    @ooconvert What a crazy lineage! I'm definitely a statistics and research nerd so numbers is comforting to me. (Which is also why I get enraged that it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to graft how long it takes people tonget pregnant since so may people NTNP to get preggo and dont track anything LOL...
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    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    @marethos I'm really glad I brought some joy to you. We get Ssoooooo wrapped up in our little corners of our mind that we forget there's a WHOLE WORLD and ancestry of people for many many years who have had our EXACT thoughts and been just fine, even with the problems life brings. I'm so glad...
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    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    @mz_jess I was trying to figure out the best place. I know you're not allowed to post on TTC30 or most other places if you're underage. Even though I really really wanted to post it there as a way to encourage others as well as myself. And I didn't know how I felt about posting it on TFAB, but...
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    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    @pinpilinpauxa It's certainly validating when all I see around me are friends and family having kids and I'm tapping my foot asking my partner for reassurance that we're doing the right thing. /deep breaths.
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    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    @ooconvert I had heard that! Honestly I think it's the body's way of defending a pregnancy too soon (super weird personal opinion) after a birth but that would make a lot of sense due to the time distance for sure! Some people still find ways to get preggo tho LOL
  7. M

    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    @greenrock Right that's why I was so surprised! The 30 yr old DID space them out 2 years apart! Almost exactly! The other one with 11 kids ALMOST space them out every 2/3 years. Maybe one was within a year. I was so surprised!
  8. M

    My ancestors had 9 and 11 kids starting in their 30s

    TLDR: I've got anxiety about conceiving into my 30s so I've been researching my ancestry and there's been so many cases of having 9 or 11! One started at 30 and stopped at 47! With 2 years in betweenlike a real champ even though it was in the 1800s lol Long story: I'm a planner. But also a...