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  1. P

    Communication while watching your babies

    @sakke I appreciate this perspective.. I really have been wondering if I’m just a bad person lol becsuse nothing changes my mind about it tbh.. I don’t take things lightly when it comes to my babies.
  2. P

    Communication while watching your babies

    @katrina2017 Yeah it's not can't about sleeping - it’s about her not communicating for hours..
  3. P

    Communication while watching your babies

    @chriscomplex Of course - my other kids are in daycare and I always go e grace but I always also hear back. but I didn’t hear from her for hours.
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    Communication while watching your babies

    @chriscomplex There’s a few additional I didn’t include becssue it was already long winded .. or long texted. Lol I had a covid exposure issue in our family I was trying to contact her about, and already went to pickup my other child from his daycare becasue of it. Couldn’t get through to her...
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    Communication while watching your babies

    @chriscomplex Ok but if I don’t hear from someone that’s watching my baby for hours and even passed the time she was supposed to bring her back, that’s not ok.
  6. P

    Communication while watching your babies

    @chriscomplex But it’s not about sleep it’s simply about communicating..
  7. P

    Communication while watching your babies

    So I'm curious if I'm being over the top, but honestly don't feel I am.. I have help from my MIL one day a week with my baby. She was coming to our home but just started watching her at her home recently and last week I had a little issue. So, I always check in with my babies. If my husband is...