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  1. C

    Birth preferences (C-section or vaginal)

    @chris516 I want a vaginal birth, ideally with very low levels of intervention. I know that's not always medically possible, but I would like to breastfeed and I know recovery from a caesarean can be long and uncomfortable (it really is major surgery) and can affect breastfeeding. Trauma isn't...
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    Tips to negotiate (future) maternity leave in UK?

    @whyme35 I'm a bit confused - if you're waiting 6/7 months, doesn't that line up exactly with the requirements for contractual maternity leave?
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    Tips to negotiate (future) maternity leave in UK?

    @whyme35 You don't normally need 12 months service at the start of your pregnancy but by a given week (often 24/26). It's worth checking whether that's true for this contractual maternity leave - if it is, sounds like your TTC timeline is fine. If not, I haven't heard of people negotiating...
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    5 years into WTT, I’m done waiting

    @hagiang3396 I think you two should go to couples’ therapy. It’s okay for your husband to not be ready. It’s okay for you to really want a baby. But it’s not okay to both be unable to talk honestly and openly with each other about what you want.
  5. C

    How? 4, 5, 6 kids? Enlighten me please

    @chrome559 Big way people manage that aspirational suburban lifestyle, yep.
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    COVID-19 and Why I'm Waiting

    @kbuzbee In the UK, money isn't an inherent barrier to healthcare (and almost no one uses private healthcare). But the impact on the NHS was huge and that's part of what you see in the report. Obviously, there are geographic and race/class based health inequalities which are reflected but even...
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    COVID-19 and Why I'm Waiting

    @ajay24 If you're looking for more COVID gloom and doom, this report into babies born in the most restrictive part of the UK lockdown is grim reading. I'd suggest thinking hard about the child development effects of the restrictions that these parents report. Admittedly, none of these parents...
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @fruitb We’re not even close to house hunting, so I more than sympathise. It’s very hard to live in a place with an overheated housing market (although generally they’re nice places to actually live!) - it gets incredibly depressing knowing that you can’t be guaranteed the security of a home...
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    Giving my kids (and myself) what I didn’t have

    @tammyinga Do you live in a place with something like the National Childbirth Trust? My mother had no friends who had children when I was born (early starter at 30) and made friends for life (or certainly for the thirty years since I was born) through her local NCT group. I played with those...