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  1. K

    What are we doing about naps?

    @sam1930 I don’t think my baby did a bed nap where I left her until 5 or 6 months. Before that was always in the wrap, pram or cosleeping. 30 min naps on their own are pretty normal (and not negative, esp if they wake up happy) so it’s a bit of a game for you whether you want 30 mins to yourself...
  2. K

    What are we doing about naps?

    @confusedbuthopeful I miss these days so much 🥺
  3. K

    Desperate for help. Please.

    @thomasmann It’s a very small room so I literally just have her mattress and one chest of drawers that’s child proofed. Tbh when she wakes up I just hear her on the camera and she’s waiting for me in bed, she’s never gotten out, but this might change when she can toddle
  4. K

    Desperate for help. Please.

    @thomasmann Another advocate for floor bed, sounds like it would work well with your bib. Hope it gets better soon x
  5. K

    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @banlawya 7mo doing 2-3 hour stretches at night. Starts in side cot then with me for rest of night. Normally 2 feeds in the night. We are on 2 or 3 naps a day, rarely over 30m each
  6. K

    20-30 minute naps

    @sherbetmayhem Is she happy on it or does she seem tired? If she seems happy then I wouldn’t worry at all, I think babies are better at regulating themselves with sleep than we give them credit for.