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  1. J

    How To Gently Stop Family Bed Situation

    @roberte I don't remember exactly, I feel like she was probably coming into my room in the middle of the night for a couple of months before I started bringing her back to her bed.
  2. J

    How To Gently Stop Family Bed Situation

    @roberte I first started putting my kid down in her own bed and telling her she could come in my room at night if she woke up. Then, eventually I started bringing her back to her own room if she woke up, and getting her to fall back to sleep there. Now she doesn't ever wake up in the night, and...
  3. J

    Is my ex being reasonable with her demands of meeting anyone I’d have around our kids before they’d meet them?

    @athena1312138 She's being totally unreasonable. You two are not together, and you are free to parent as you see fit when the kids are in your custody. Which includes determining who to bring around your children. If there is a valid concern for the children's safety, she may have a leg to stand...
  4. J

    So frustrated with my coparent

    My coparent is so frustrating. We are going through a custody battle, and she is so unreasonable with agreeing to a schedule. We have been 50/50 since we broke up, but sometime a few months ago, the mom decided she can't go more than 2 days without seeing the kid. So none of the standard 50/50...