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  1. J

    Who should call who to congratulate?

    @jerib Oh wow. This is officially more stupid than the time my father stopped talking to me because I didn't call him to congratulate him on his (not a significant number, like thirty fourth or something) wedding anniversary! Yeah, calling people so that they can congratulate you on the birth of...
  2. J

    4 months old with reflux

    @roman959 Just adding, what kind of cot set up do you have? I've got my second bub at the moment (3m) and we have a sidecar/cosleeper bassinet. It has been a game changer for sleep. Bub can be in his bassinet, and I can lay in bed patting him if I need. I just have to open my eyes to check on...
  3. J

    4 months old with reflux

    @roman959 Is she rolling yet? Tummy to back rolling is pretty hard. Normally they do back to tummy first I think. So if she isn't rolling yet, I wouldnt worry. Once she is rolling actively, the problem is actually solved (check with your doc of course), but my LO#1 would roll onto his side...
  4. J

    4 months old with reflux

    @roman959 Also don't have advice about Nexium, but what does your doc say about sleeping bub on an incline in their cot, on their tummy. That might be a safer option? My bub routinely spits up at night, and this is the approach we have taken. He wakes up with spew in his hair, but I just change...