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  1. N

    I'm 42 with a 7 month old - want more but am EXHAUSTED

    @gordon63 I think it’s important to look at how you want your life to look in 5 or 10+ years when considering another or not. Infants are famously punishing (and for good reason!) they are so so cute but parenting an infant eats up your life and identity in a way a say 5 year old doesn’t. I’m a...
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    Gender patterns?

    @daniel1986 I have B, G, G, G, G and I’m expecting again! I’ll guess girl for you since that was my number 5! I can’t wait till delivery so we will find out in a couple months what we’re having!
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    Third child?!

    @lalagata I had BGGGG! Expecting number 6 and curious about what’s in store! I actually have zero preference as there’s a big gap between #4 and #5 and I think she would love a sister but my husband really thinks we need more male energy around here!
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    Baby Gear Feedback

    @tangalo123 Baby carrier here also (I have 3: ring sling, woven wrap and mei tai) it’s really individual as some of my babies loved the swing but my newest baby (#5) hates it. Personally I love the boppy pillow I use it for nursing and supervised lounging and napping for baby. All my babies...
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    Grand multiparity pregnancy?

    @seinfeld Oh hey I did some research on this during my education! I also work in womens healthcare providing maternity care. Nulliparity (first baby) is actually a lot riskier for a lot of outcomes than grand multiparity It’s also hard to tease out risk factors because grand multips are on...
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    Income needed for 3 kids

    @morgannicole555 Lol come on obviously you can afford more kids the question is if you’re willing to make any sacrifices to make it happen. I have 5 kids on about half that but also had 4 kids when I was a single student mom living on grants and loans and we didn’t starve. I know lots of people...
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    How do you do birthdays?

    @airotciv7 We have a birthday season here as well! For us birthday kid picks whatever junky full of sugar breakfast cereal they want (all household members partake) and they get to choose what they want me to make them for supper. Then we do a celebration on a nearby weekend where they can...
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    @peninnah My 11 and 13 year olds love to cook, and I’m expecting my three oldest (11, 13, 15) to cook a meal for our family every other week starting when I go back to work. I think cooking is an important life skill! I do agree that mine aren’t expected to change, feed or bathe the baby. They...
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    @airamerica It’s good for kids to have responsibilities. It’s not good for kids to have responsibilities of being a parent. It’s fine to ask your teen to hold the baby while you cook supper (or help cook supper while you hold the baby) it’s not fine to ask your teen to watch the baby for 6 hours...