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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @beccasarah This is basically Ferber.
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    4th or am i nuts?

    @jason106p You will have plenty of kids and grandkids even if you stop now. It does sound like you are trying to make this decision prematurely (but understandably) based on your medical news. I wonder if you waited and needed medical intervention if that's feasible financially.
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    Looking for reassurance. Can anyone explain why a 40 pound 4-year-old can get the same covid vaccine as a 15 pound 6-month-old?

    @hedowns Medicines like Tylenol are like handing out sandwiches. More people (bodyweight) requires more sandwiches. Vaccines are like wanted posters. Their faces will be plastered all over the news regardless of the number of people (bodyweight).
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    I don't know if I can bear to lose another baby

    @saramae If someone told me they were considering a second and weren't worried about this, I'd advise they reconsider. This and renegotiating 2 vs. 1 to become 2 vs. 2 are the hardest part of the adjustment. You're totally fit and ready, even though the fear will last until there's a baby in...
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    1 year old with gross motor delay and poor appetite. Constantly told everything is “fine”

    @boanerges1989 You can also set them in play areas. Sometimes eating at the table is boring to young children. It's the only time they're expected to sit still for half an hour at a time.