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  1. J

    B12 came out high 848 pmol/L

    @daviddass1 Was the measurement in pmol/l? I consulted a doctor yesterday who suggested that my elevated levels might be linked to my prenatal supplement intake. I was also consuming barley green grass, spirulina, and maca powder, all of which can contain B12. For the next three weeks, I plan to...
  2. J

    B12 came out high 848 pmol/L

    @breinicke Fair enough. Do you recommend folate or folic acid? Any brands you suggest?
  3. J

    B12 came out high 848 pmol/L

    @breinicke Spinach is a great source of folate. On average, there is about 58 mcg of folate in a cup of cooked spinach. To get approximately 400 mcg of folate, you would need to consume about 7 cups of cooked spinach. I wouldn’t soley rely on spinach but if I eat the correct amounts of folic...
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    B12 came out high 848 pmol/L

    @breinicke Thank you for responding it’s nice to hear from a physician. My concern is why even have a range, If 950pmol/l is normal, I’m not sure why my blood work said a range of 132-632 was considered normal. Also What if I just get folate from a nutrient dense diet? I eat greens pretty much...
  5. J

    B12 came out high 848 pmol/L

    Hello, I’m really hoping someone can provide some insight. 32F hoping to become pregnant soon. I recently got blood work done and everything looked good except by B12 came out high 848 pmol/L. I read the Oxford study that said high levels of b12 (and/or folate) can cause greater risk for autism...