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    Extreme case of the night wiggles

    @ecclesiasticus Baby probiotic drops just changed my life! Try it!
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    Sling/wrap you can put on over a sleeping baby?

    @chriatopher Thanks! Looking around at some ring sling reviews now. Seems like the nicer ones might be worth the price for quality & safety.
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    Sling/wrap you can put on over a sleeping baby?

    My baby is 1 month old and we have two stretchy wraps (a thick Boba and a lightweight Sollybaby) and an old Ergo Omni 360. She usually likes the stretchy wraps (I’m wearing her in the boba now haha), but sometimes when she’s cranky she won’t go in it and just wants to be held to fall asleep. I’m...
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    Extreme case of the night wiggles

    @claysmithr Oh damn, sorry to hear that. They’re working great for my 11 week old right now…maybe her tummy will be able to handle them when she’s a bit older? But maybe just not the right thing for her. Have you tried Mylicon or gripe water? Mylicon did not work for us but I hear good things...
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    Extreme case of the night wiggles

    @claysmithr Try the baby probiotic drops, they helped so much!
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    Extreme case of the night wiggles

    @chongduerr lol “a thrash and fart” is taking me out 😂 next time I’m up staring at my little wiggly bug I will think of all the other parents doing the same thing!
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    Extreme case of the night wiggles

    @juggler What! That’s so weird! It never would have occurred to me to Google this but I just did and it’s totally a thing (which is what always seems to happen with weird newborn stuff). Thanks for the lead haha. Looks like probiotic drops help a lot of people so I might give that a try.
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    Extreme case of the night wiggles

    Hi all, I bed share with my 7-week-old and it’s mostly wonderful. We started around 3 weeks and it was life changing, we all sleep better. HOWEVER, just this week she has suddenly started this thing where she wakes up to eat around 4 (that part is normal) and then just WIGGLES FOR A WHOLE HOUR...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @revilo Love the rental concept. I probably wouldn’t use a rental registry myself because I don’t want to deal with two registries and I couldn’t (or wouldn’t want to) rent everything I’m registering for, like consumables and pacifiers. But the idea of renting big stuff like cribs and strollers...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @alliah Oh yes totally agree, we’ve always planned to keep the sex a secret. I do NOT need an ocean of pink bows or blue trucks…when the uber-traditional aunts ask what to get I just say green including money haha
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @franciscovelasco Yes totally agree with this idea - until my sitdown with my SIL, the one and only item on the registry was a nice new hand vacuum lol
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @spiritualseeker Haha hey twin! What’s your date? Mine is February 5 :) I like this idea too. I’m thinking I’ll balance by keeping a few expensive necessities on there, and then for the other items do the other commenter’s suggestion of putting a pic with no link and saying “something like...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @moontan13 Thank you, this is super helpful! I might ask for a set of each kind and see what I like.
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @moontan13 How are those to get clean? Can they go in the dishwasher? I chose the Medela glass bottles for the same non-plastic/disposable reasons but also because they look so easy to clean. (Also, I know this might be hard to answer since everyone's output is different, but how many did you...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @renee13 Yep that’s exactly the carrier I meant lol. And yeah, I would love a few good new things, like I’d be more comfortable with the high-quality car seat/stroller system I chose being new (I’ve heard in some states it’s illegal to buy a used car seat?). But on the other hand, I would LOVE...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @christdied4me This is a great move, thank you! I’ll add notes to specific things.
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @michele9618 Thank you so much for this! I’m using MyRegistry and I didn’t even realize that you could make an item without a link, but you totally can. That will help a LOT. Also “a while pandemic ago” made me lol, too real
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    TL;DR: How do you balance making a registry and letting people buy you nice things, with trying to be environmentally/economically sustainable in preparing for baby? Hi y’all - I’m expecting my first baby in February and just started making a registry. Until this week, I only had a diaper fund...