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  1. J

    For those who had babies too sleepy to get enough milk breastfeeding, when/were you able to transition to BF only?

    @l2e Similar situation, her transfering got a lot better at 5 weeks and I stopped pumping. We continued to top up with a bit of formula until 12 weeks but honestly I think we could have stopped sooner. 7 months and going strong with EBF. It was hard, but it was worth it. Good luck!
  2. J

    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @neostarwcc I just want to thank you, I decided to implement this last night and it went surprisingly well! The previous 2 nights she was nursing all night and I got no sleep. On a good night she's up every 1-2 hours. Last night we went to bed at 7:30, I rocked her to sleep a few times, she ate...
  3. J

    How many naps does your 8-9 month old take?

    @hamza189 My 9mo always wakes after 30-45 mins, but I'm usually able to get another stretch out of her by rocking her back to sleep, and then I put her back down. It got easier when her wake windows were at least 3 hours.