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  1. F

    11 week old kicking and squirming

    @gpink This is good to know thanks! I’d thought of all the possibilities except this haha, it used to be really obvious when he had any sort of gas but not so much now. I often lay him to sleep on his side after a feed (I know you’re not supposed to) which sometimes helps a bit and I turn him...
  2. F

    11 week old kicking and squirming

    @craigbrickhill Good point, I stopped burping him as much as a few weeks ago as he seemed to be bringing them up by himself but he does still seem to get some reflux. It does make sense as he often thinks he wants to feed more when he’s got a burp that needs bringing up. I’ll try getting some...
  3. F

    11 week old kicking and squirming

    I’ve been co sleeping with my 11 week old pretty much since birth and we were all sleeping quite well (about 2 wake ups on average each night) until recently. I used to sleep through his active sleeping most of the time but recently, as he’s gotten bigger, this has been hard work. He’s a big...