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  1. M

    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @terrastorm My girl is 7 weeks old, and for about a week there at 5 weeks I thought she was settling into her own rhythm - she was sleeping between 8pm and 1am, feeding, then waking up at 4am for a feed. Spent most of the day awake for that one week. That "big sleep" - as my husband called it -...
  2. M

    My baby is sick for the first time! D:

    @lsugrl Oh that's great. I'm definitely going to follow this thread though because my LO is 3 months as well and I'd be curious to know what people suggest too! If you end up calling he nurse line, please update us :)
  3. M

    My baby is sick for the first time! D:

    @lsugrl Do you have a nasal aspirator? I find them extremely useful when my LO has boogers/any kind of congestion! Baby Tylenol/paracetamol is probably your safest bet, not sure what you can do aside from that. Can you call a nurse/doctor? In Australia we can call a child health nurse 24/7 who...