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  1. G

    Single parents - the forgotten heroes

    @joseph700 My only child is a teenager. I shudder to think wtf I would have done if he was younger! My work never went WFH & my son had to do remote school for a year & a half. He was basically home alone from 8:30am to 5:30pm 5 days a week that whole time. Occasionally my Mom or Dad would stop...
  2. G

    I’m [23F] about to be a single mom of 2

    @happyhippopot I have been a single 'only' parent for 14 going on 15 years now, since my ex walked out of our lives when my son was a few months old, never to be seen again. I'm not going to lie to you, it can be so hard. Especially with a special needs child; my son is too. He is on the high...
  3. G

    Newly single dad, questions for you single moms

    @chelseamc If it were me, I would be much more comfortable at first if you proposed either coming by your place OR going out somewhere public like the park or indoor playground. Let her decide what she's comfortable with first (just don't say that part!). It would be much less intimidating than...
  4. G

    Frustration at Math as a parent of a Trans student

    @gergely I am so sorry your son has to deal with bigoted assholes like this. I can't even begin to imagine how heartbreaking it is for you as his parent. The good news is that at 12, I imagine he's still in middle school & grades is middle school will not have any effect on his future. Colleges...