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  1. C

    6 y/o boy walking around saying uWu and doing anime girl moans

    @matt675 My son is 10 and does this every now and then. It's a youtube thing and if he doesn't get it from youtube he will get it from school. You can try to stop it but if all the other kids in school are doing it he just won't do it at home.
  2. C

    Kid is 7 and starting to stink

    @mrfuture I personally don't care that it's aluminum free but figured it might be useful info. I use that one because it's the gel type. The white kinds give me a red rash.
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    Kid is 7 and starting to stink

    @onewithfaith My son just started using deodorant . He uses the same thing I do. The fresh aluminum free stuff. Works pretty well on him.