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  1. J

    Is having a second kid really worth all the trouble? It looks exponentially harder to go from 1 to 2 kids than zero to 1.

    @christopherpriestley I needed this. All the moms of 2 around me seem to be drowning.
  2. J

    How do people afford kids????

    @mercifulwoman $15k is a lot of extra money. Kiddo will get great social benefits from being in daycare and if you find a job with a pension then that’s a big reason it would be worth it.
  3. J

    How many NB and 0-3 months clothes, socks, caps have you been stocking up?

    @wayani Yah we were gifted 50 homemade burp cloths.. aka, little flannel rectangular pieces of fabric. Shoved one of those under her butt when we’d change her instead. Nice and soft, and if she peed, pooped etc we switched it out. Way less annoying to change out. Way cheaper too.
  4. J

    Should I leave my wife with a 2-mo old for a week?

    @mualahartik Agreed. My husband went back to work when babe was five weeks and damn it that was one heck of an adjustment. He was away for one night when she was three months and that was plenty haha