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  1. B

    PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today

    @katrina2017 As of right now they believe I've started labor ): I started having super painful contractions after almost 30 hours of bearing them. I was just rechecked and I'm currently at 5cm dilated but no head pressing down yet. I did also JUST recieve the epidural because I absolutely...
  2. B

    PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today

    @katrina2017 The bleeding seems to be lightening up as of now! As for contractions they're super random ranging from every 20-30 minutes to minutes apart and then back to sporatic. I've bled 3 times before now beginning at 20 weeks also but this is the first time having contractions. My baby...
  3. B

    PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today

    @katrina2017 Did you contract at all during your stay? I PPROM'd at 19w2d and am currently admitted 24w6d today. I started having contractions almost 24 hours ago + heavy bleeding and they turned on magnesium. As of now I haven't dilated further so they haven't declared active labor yet. Did you...