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  1. D

    8 year old son showering under who’s f***ing supervision?

    @stephenjob He showed at my place over the weekend I checked in on him because I don’t have tear free shampoo also he has VERY thick hair and I like to confirm he has rinsed it properly. Other then that he’s good.
  2. D

    8 year old son showering under who’s f***ing supervision?

    @thavener She has said it won’t happen again, but as an adult male also in an early relationship with a mother, I would never Bath her son, it concerns me that he was willing to, I don’t consider that normal, I also have three young half siblings, and I don’t bath them, nor would I.
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    8 year old son showering under who’s f***ing supervision?

    Dunno where to put this, any other suggestions please let me know. I just found out my ex wife let her bf of less then 4 months help my 8 year old son shower... I’m furious, Which would be an understatement. Not sure how I should react, she doesn’t see a problem with it... Advice, insight...