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    I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

    @asdgho I can’t imagine it with a c-section! I had stitches from them cutting me but they healed and were minor. We waited about 4 weeks and I foolishly thought because I was mainly breastfeeding I wasn’t ovulating yet
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    I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

    @eb3 Oh wow. I had the total opposite experience! I’m 26, he’s 25 now but we’re closer than ever. Fought like hell and recreated WWE moves on each other our whole childhood but we loved each other. I was a lot more social and outgoing than him so our friend groups never mashed. Because he was...
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    I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

    @eb3 For sure more than 5 seconds. We were hoping for one more baby within the next 2 years. I took the test a few weeks ago cause I was a bit sick and yeah.. horror is definitely one way to describe it haha. I’d gotten used to the idea then had the scan showing twins. Now I’m absolutely...
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    I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

    @eb3 I know this will be everyone’s reaction 😂😂😂 I had a hellish pregnancy with HG throughout but made up for it with the labour. Was only 6 hours total and was up & active 12 out of the 14 days after she was born. I couldn’t have asked for a better labour or recovery tbh. Heard so many horror...
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    I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby

    Hi guys! Went for a scan and I’m measuring 7w 5d with di/di twins. My daughter was born Jan 3rd. 38w with the twins puts the rough due date at Oct 11th. Prior to my daughter I was pregnant with di/di twins and lost them around 10w 5d. Hoping all goes well with this pregnancy but does anyone...