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  1. K

    9 yo boy - sneaking food/hiding wrappers

    @johndaniels Thank you so much! This was so helpful. I don’t think he’s experiencing any of the body image stuff yet. I believe it’s a combination of several things you’ve mentioned, but it was so helpful to hear someone else put it in to words. I’m just going to support him through this food...
  2. K

    9 yo boy - sneaking food/hiding wrappers

    @johndaniels Me too! It’s weird! I can’t put my finger on what’s going on with him. He also will tell us he likes something but won’t eat it after 2 or 3 days. Which makes me think he’s only telling us that to appease us. But then that’s wasteful and expensive and we become frustrated. I just...
  3. K

    9 yo boy - sneaking food/hiding wrappers

    Hoping for some insight- My 9yo has been doing some interesting things with food habits lately. Incident 1) Had taken several regular sizes candy bars from closet (my husband works for a candy company and these weren’t actually to be consumed but to be given to customers -9 yo knows this)...