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  1. M

    I’m wondering what will happen the day my daughter stops nursing to sleep. Can you share w me your experience?

    @mikemu777 Wow - that is super impressive - nicely done! Mine won't take a bottle at all, but I think the walking around might work - I think he just gets too upset rocking because to him, it feels like he should be nursing (same chair, similar body position, etc...). We're not quite there...
  2. M

    I’m wondering what will happen the day my daughter stops nursing to sleep. Can you share w me your experience?

    @mikemu777 How did you stop nursing to sleep without your LO losing their mind? Mine gets so upset if I try just rocking him when he wakes up in the middle of the night - I haven't even dared to try to get him to fall asleep without the boob. He's 13 months and only nurses a couple of times a...
  3. M

    I’m wondering what will happen the day my daughter stops nursing to sleep. Can you share w me your experience?

    @shkana Yeah...I feel like my son (13 months) is going to be the crowbar type 😱