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  1. P

    Do you use a sound machine while bedsharing?

    @mauritian I was getting headaches from our Hatch. Especially early on when I was basically in my room 24/7 in a feed and nap loop, so it was on all the time. I really didn't like it. We just switched to a Dohm, and the actual, mechanical white noise is much more tolerable. Now the hatch is a...
  2. P

    One side or both sides per feeding?

    @keke1223 I have a pretty high supply, and I do block feeding, just offering one boob at a time for each feeding. Obviously, if she still seems hungry, I'll offer the second side, but that's rarely been the case outside of cluster feeding at the beginning.
  3. P

    Daycare swaddled my 9.5 mo for naps

    @jwilliams190800 Swaddling at daycare at any age is illegal in many states. I would absolutely report this.