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    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    @katrina2017 Her marriage will end and it sounds like she knows that’s a likely possibility. Is she looking for an out?
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    a question of entitlement

    @kezia The reality is you can’t work well and parent well at the same time.
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    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    @jwesley It sounds like you’re trying to run away and maybe make up for things you didn’t have in the past. I would really explore with a therapist why this at all appeals to you with a tiny kid at home while knowing families break up commonly due to this sort of thing.
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    Had to extend maternity leave - how do I return?

    @inaaminaam55 Yes sounds like she needs to look for a new job
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    a question of entitlement

    @kezia And why can’t they be taught to leave you alone? This is crazy. I thought the kids were little
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    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    @jwesley It’s not just work travel. You would essentially be moving somewhere without your family
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    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    @jwesley So do this when the kid is a teenager and they won’t need you there in person as much and they can be inspired by you.
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    Transition from Full-time to Part-time Denied?!

    @randall1967 Sounds like she wants to be fair to people, but regardless it sounds like tHe company doesn’t want anyone to be part time
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    Transition from Full-time to Part-time Denied?!

    @randall1967 Sounds like your manager suggested this without getting necessary approvals. They made an error suggesting it
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    Mom Friends

    @alaina It sounds like you’re judging these moms pretty harshly. It’s okay to have different interests and ask about their interests. It seems very odd to dismiss them because they like to run and want to fix their porch
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    Transition from Full-time to Part-time Denied?!

    @randall1967 It was inappropriate of her to say you should get a nanny, but it’s very common for a company to deny moving to part time. They want a full time employee, not a part time one. This isn’t unreasonable
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    a question of entitlement

    @kezia It sounds like you need childcare