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  1. J

    Lead poisoning

    @katrina2017 Oh wow that's awful I'm so sorry! I live in New England so the testing is automatically done at one and two years, though they do also go through a questionnaire to assess risk level. Can you request it just because of the risk that was identified? I think we've done a lead test at...
  2. J

    Lead poisoning

    @katrina2017 He actually was tested at a year and a couple of months at my request, the pediatrician's office had run out of lead tests and didn't do one at his 1 year appointment. If I hadn't gone back and requested it he could have been under the radar until his 18mo or 2 year...
  3. J

    Lead poisoning

    @angelsue Thank you! One last piece of info is that exposure for that lead level was less than the littlest (adult) fingernail, as in a single tiny chip of paint, so it's an incredibly small amount that needs to be ingested to have really dramatic results. It has been so scary, I wish people...
  4. J

    Lead poisoning

    @angelsue My kiddo tested just below the limit for emergency medical intervention (39 and immediate chelation therapy is recommended at 45). We live in a home that was built in ~1865 in New England, where lead paint is a widespread problem and testing is automatically done at 1 and 2 years. It's...
  5. J

    Trigger warning loss: my baby girl died

    @dan1988 I'm so sorry for your loss ♥️