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  1. J

    How many times do you change diapers at night?

    @preston055 My girl is 12 weeks. A few weeks ago she stopped pooping overnight which helped cut diaper changes a lot. Now I only change it if her diaper feels extremely full of pee or if I hear/ smell poop. She has big feeds before bed so sometimes I do need to change her diaper once around 4am...
  2. J

    He’s SUCH a Good Dad: A Moms V. Dads Expectations Rant

    @melista I love my boyfriend but he doesn’t help out nearly as much as he should. It makes me so angry when all he does is hold the baby and my in-laws praise him for being such a good dad and how much baby loves her daddy. Baby does love her daddy but I do 95% of the diaper changes, all the...
  3. J

    Just a gentle reminder…

    @roxyat4896 Well damn that sucks. Thanks for the info! Glad your family finally came to an understanding with you
  4. J

    Just a gentle reminder…

    @roxyat4896 I heard that you can’t screenshot or save from that app. Is that true? Or are they taking photos of the photo? I was planning on using this app with my family but if they can save or screenshot that kinda goes out the window
  5. J

    When do you have appointments for yourself??

    @barry61 I take my baby. Really need to see the dentist for an infected wisdom tooth but have yet to find a dentist that’ll allow a baby in the office. Other than that, I take her with me. She loves my therapist.