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  1. B

    Your unconventional schedules and scheduling “hacks”

    @tracy777 I actually love the idea of a 6:30 bedtime! Our weirdness is we often do bathtime first thing in the morning or after breakfast. Sometimes before lunch. She can spend 30-60min easy playing, so while she plays, i clean the bathroom. Little bathroom, only one we have, but I can do a full...
  2. B

    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie Big question: do you have access to a car? Look, I live in a kinda house 1. Same size, walkability, it’s WONDERFUL. I love it. We have a small yard. The layout of our house is perfect, it really maximizes that 1100 sqft, and we are very content with 2 kids and 2 dogs, and we bought...
  3. B

    New SAHM depression

    @heremiah I would call it common but not inevitable, if that makes sense? It’s a hard time of year and a hard age, in a lot of ways. So cute but, like, my 2 year old can play by herself, color, bake with me, paint, etc. lots more variety in what to do. My baby still just wants us to gaze into...