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  1. S

    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    @russelae01 While this can be absolutely true, I just want to offer my own experience for consideration. I am a human pacifier. This is fine with me, but the only way I am getting him to go to sleep is with a boob. On the other hand, my husband and mom who have been putting him to sleep...
  2. S

    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @kimmarkf13 Thanks for connecting us! I do like your sub name! I just chose this one because I was trying to make it close to the old one so it would be more likely to pop up when people were searching for science based parenting. Have you ever been a mod before?? I honestly have no idea what...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @hurrix I made a new one r/parentingscience. It's still in its baby stage but is surprisingly active for how new it is. We would love if people joined and helped build the community. Everyone over there seems genuinely helpful.
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @strange1 I don't know if this is allowed to be posted here, but when I saw this post it inspired me to make a new sub that will hopefully be...less combative? Anyway, if you're interested in helping build the community it's called r/parentingscience