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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @anonymousftw Hahaha I’m glad you had such a great experience! I’m happy to make a difference
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @shayla22 There are several studies over the past couple decades that have shown no increase in back pain after labour epidurals. In fact, one study I found says it may even decrease it. Granted, they’re not the highest quality studies but I’ve yet to see a study that shows INCREASED back pain...
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @askedandreceived Mhhh it depends a lot on the reason that someone can’t bend forward. Usually we can make it work! Please feel free to DM if you have specifics.
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @cconversation Many places do this, but not all. The nurses are usually given a range, so they can titrate the epidural infusion up and down - if you feel “too frozen” towards the end you can ask them to turn it down or off completely (it takes an hour or two for it to wear off so even if you...
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @snowtrekker No shame in accepting help when it’s offered to you! I’m an anesthesiologist who does lots of obstetrics anesthesia, epidurals are a huge game changer. Everyone has their own right of course to labour how they want, but no one should be shamed for their choices!