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    IUI #1 was scheduled but cancelled because my husband’s specimen wasn’t good enough

    @zacariah88 Yes, applying ice for 30 minutes+ daily.
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    Husband's SA seems disappointing. Any advice?

    @johndoo Yes
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    It's Survey Time - TFAB Demographics and Sub Feedback

    @katrina2017 This type of information is frequently included in the BFP threads. I’ve found most graduated to be helpful if you see their post and ask them a question.
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    Husband's SA seems disappointing. Any advice?

    @amandabroken It looks pretty good to me! Might need a course of antibiotics if there’s an infection though.
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    IUI #1 was scheduled but cancelled because my husband’s specimen wasn’t good enough

    @zacariah88 Anecdotally, we noticed no improvement in morphology with supplements but did go to normal morphology with icing. It’s pretty simply and not too expensive to try out if you want to.
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    8 months TTC, 1MC w/ Hashimoto’s/Hypothyroidism

    @mala808 Thank you for sharing this. I had my PCP/OBGYN run bloodwork during Cycle 6 (CD3 stuff as well as other tests my PCP wanted). I have had major fatigue and once my results came back deficient in Vitamin D my doctor was certain that was all that was wrong. Here I am now not feeling any...
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    Got genetic testing results back, and frustrated? [t/w: MC]

    @starheel I’m so sorry for your loss. Unexplained is an especially tough pill to swallow at times because you always wonder what more you could be doing to find answers. I’m glad that your tests are good so far, but I understand the conflicted feelings with being told nothing is wrong.
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    1.4 nmol/l hydroxoprogesterone

    @kendali What cycle day was this tested on? If your prolactin is high it can prevent or delay ovulation which would thus impact the progesterone level depending on when you tested.
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    The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019

    @kvn Thank you mods! I like the new gameplan!
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    The Results Are In!! TFAB Sub Survey and Demographics 2019

    @tmur Mr. Spooky lurks too! I think there may be more like you than you think😊