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    I struggle when hearing friends talk about sleep training..

    @hbwink doesn't bother me too much bc there are kids in so much worse circumstances. usually the sleep training stories are from loving parents who are doing their best. meanwhile there are kids being abused and neglected. so i guess this is a pessimistic outlook but i don't worry at all about...
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    No preschool?

    @zennah this was very similar to my journey on this issue. my toddler is 2.5 and we just started her in "preschool" which is really daycare lol. just in the past few months she started being crazy about imaginative play and being around other kids, which she barely ever got to do bc i don't know...
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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @ajewelinhiscrown i've been a sahp for about 2.5 years and am going back to work soon. i loved it at times and hated it at times (i think most of us can relate). one of the biggest things i have hated about being a sahp is when you get sick or are not feeling well, there is no break for you. my...
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    SAHPs, I Keep Messing Up and I'm Embarrassed. I Need to Fix This

    @ajewelinhiscrown your wife shouldn't call you an idiot for making a mistake. period. that's just mean. you're making mistakes bc you're human. i got a white board that sticks to my fridge and some magnetic dry erase markers to help me write things down i need to remember. i also use the notes...
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    Is anyone else's pets driving you C R A Z Y during WFH?

    @crfstewarje haha good plan with the bus idea. you know what helped when my cat used to beg for food all day, i bought an automatic feeder that dispensed a set amount of food throughout the day. i was also trying to use it to control how much he ate since i was a bit overweight. it didn't really...
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    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    @ladyghosthunter i can share my personal experience/journey in case that helps you in any way. i was a lawyer for 7 years and then quit to be a sahm. it took me the entire 7 years making between 160k and 260k per year to pay off my loans 😵‍💫 (i also made a few investments along the way, but...
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    Preschool options with new baby on the way

    @lynq i have a 5 month old, and i just started my 2.5yo in a daycare that's 8:30-4:30 5 days per week. we chose the 5 day option bc it was not much more expensive than the 3 day, and there is no minimum attendance requirement, so i can bring her anytime, pick her up whenever and skip as many...
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    Is anyone else's pets driving you C R A Z Y during WFH?

    @justabeggarwhojesuslove Oh that sounds rough. I used to have another cat that peed on everything and it was awful!
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    Is anyone else's pets driving you C R A Z Y during WFH?

    @alag oh that sounds so irritating! we were never meant to be trapped with our furry friends 24/7!
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    Is anyone else's pets driving you C R A Z Y during WFH?

    @sandraovercomer OMG a parrot!! Lol! I can only imagine.
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    Is anyone else's pets driving you C R A Z Y during WFH?

    My cat. My effing cat. I love him. But he's driving me N U T S. I have a home office and am WFH due to the pandemic. I have someone who watches my baby during the day at my house, so I stay in my office for the most part with my door closed so I can focus. Unfortunately before this became...