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    New Dad Tips

    @flynavy0458 Good luck!
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    New Dad Tips

    @mac7 This was huge for us. After a long and stressful night, I got up and got us coffee and a good breakfast and took a hot shower. Felt like a new man. Right after that our boy took a bottle and everything was on the right track.
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    New Dad Tips

    @explicit Thank you! Pumping has been a struggle so far but my wife is getting plenty of snuggles!
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    New Dad Tips

    @katrina2017 May not be the case for everyone. My wife is exclusively pumping, so I’ll probably be the one primarily doing the actual feeding. That takes something off her plate.
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    New Dad Tips

    @katrina2017 Thanks brother. Will do. I’ll go ahead and add something now. I wrote #4 right before trying to feed my son this morning. The nurse showed me a few things, and he downed the entire bottle like a champ. The relief and pride I felt were unbelievable. So just stick it out. You and your...
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    New Dad Tips

    Hey guys. My wife and I graduated yesterday with a healthy baby boy. My wife rocked labor and delivery. She went from 3cm, to 5cm, to 10cm in about 6 hours and it only took 2.5 pushes to see our boy. It was truly amazing. Thought I’d share a few things I’ve found helpful in the first 24 hours...