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  1. M

    Slowing betas... should I be worried?

    @katrina2017 Just wanted to say thank you again for replying. I've updated main post. RE says it's non-viable with 99% certainty. Sac shape and measurement were not even close to resembling what should be expected.
  2. M

    Slowing betas... should I be worried?

    @katrina2017 Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I'm trying to stay positive, however it seems that normal slowing is expected once betas reach 6000. I've not found anything to support slowing at 2000 :( I would like to think I'd be more chill about this if not facing a week in a...
  3. M

    Slowing betas... should I be worried?

    Grateful for any opinions on the below betas and doubling times, and whether I need to begin preparing for the worst... I'm 4W6D/20DPO (hCG trigger used so this is pretty certain). We're flying out on vacation tmrw and I won't have access to a lab for additional betas for at least seven days...