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  1. J

    I'm making my daughter fast until 5pm

    @untilnow Thank you so much!! This was extremely insightful and helpful especially from your point of view. Im sorry for what your going through. I understand that the whole thing is a little brainwashy, be that as it may, I still want her to put her self in little girls place and think twice...
  2. J

    I'm making my daughter fast until 5pm

    @changemejesus Yes! I fasted with her today! I think people are thinking Im punishing her and taking this in a negative way but I honestly just want to use this as a learning experience.
  3. J

    I'm making my daughter fast until 5pm

    @john3344k Yes I did! She goes to a school where there are so many different cultures from all over the world, and we are extremely open minded about this at home. I actually have a muslim friend coming over tonight to help me out, as I know a little but not enough as my friend does.
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    I'm making my daughter fast until 5pm

    @koyanna I agree with you. Sometimes when youre a parent you are blind to your child's weaknesses. For example, I was 100% sure my daughter would never laugh at someone (to make them feel bad.) Obviously I was wrong, so it definitely was something we talked about and I will continue to watch as...
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    I'm making my daughter fast until 5pm

    @jennipher Yea! I am making her write me a small paper about this
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    I'm making my daughter fast until 5pm

    @icemasterpt Yes! I 100% agree. I actually asked her to research Ramadan and write me a little paper.
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    I'm making my daughter fast until 5pm

    @previouslyseeking This is something we definitely talked about thoroughly yesterday!
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    I'm making my daughter fast until 5pm

    Hi everyone! So my 10yr old daughter is usually very kind and loves helping other kids out when she can, she will go as far as to skip recess if it means helping a fellow classmate finish homework. Last night during dinner, she was cackling, just laughing and laughing remembering something that...