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  1. I

    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @kca741979 Oh yeah, that’s why I said it totally depends. Some folks have situations where they only need to study and go in for exams. Others need to be in a classroom at least part time. And some need to travel for school. I just think it’d be a lot easier for OP if they waited till they...
  2. I

    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @kca741979 Depends, honestly! I don’t think it’s a decision between kids and a job versus kids and studying. It’s more kids and studying versus no kids and studying. I’d just get the studying done first so I can focus on getting in my career and focusing on whatever my kid needs, haha.
  3. I

    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @mightynameofjesus But why not then take those three to four years to finish up your studies? It’s so much harder to have children while doing school. And it’s a baby baby, they’ll need all of your attention for a couple years. My mom had me when she was 20. She had to wait till she was in her...
  4. I

    Trying for a baby as a young couple?

    @mightynameofjesus I would finish up training first. Establish yourself within the career, so that when youre done with parental leave you can go back at it. Or if you move locations, you wont have to restart training. You really want to be as stable as possible before having children. So no...