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  1. R

    Waiting for the right time..

    @badone I was 23, we decided to start trying in the Jan, got pregnant in March and then lockdown hit. Which was the most traumatising experience of my life but also lucky as I was too ill to get out of bed from weeks 7 to 12. Not even extreme puking, just average puking but I felt ROUGH. When we...
  2. R

    I got sterilized after one child

    @kimberlys Short of going private and spending 9 grand, I'm not sure what else my options are here 🙃
  3. R

    I got sterilized after one child

    @kimberlys I got laughed out of the doctors when I asked at 27 with an autistic 3 year old. She told me she might refer me and then just never bothered and refuses to again. Annoying thing is i know husband would be accepted for a vasectomy instantly