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  1. W

    Hypertension that’s NOT pre-e

    @kimotaku Yep! I had high BP and not pre-eclampsia. I have had high BP in the past that resolved with dietary changes and then came back when I was in my second trimester.
  2. W

    Positive Induction stories?

    @7caldwell I was induced at 36 weeks because we couldn’t get my GD under control and the baby was getting too big and other related complications. It was a long labor/process that ended in a c-section, but each step was very intentional and we tried everything to not have to go that route. Found...
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    Energy levels at 0

    @godspurpose07 I was super exhausted in my first trimester! It got better in the second, and I was tired again in my third but not to the exhausted degree of my first.