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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @whycalvary 6 and 8 yours?
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @whycalvary Yes exactly 😂😂 but you know people don’t understand that it seems lol. Since I started to try dating I been ghosted or just told it ain’t working because they would blow my phone up constantly and then I finally get a minute to answer them like a half hour later and they are like yea...
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @whycalvary Oh no I have a 6 month minimum rule before I let anyone meet my kids just because I don’t need to put them through getting attached to someone then them not working out and leaving
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @iowa52241 Sadly in today’s society that’s kinda true though. I’ve been ghosted more times then I can’t count just when you think you met a nice dependable person they are gone no explanation nothing it’s sad
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @iowa52241 Lol I had given up for 4 years but I figured why not give it a shot again. So far I have been highly disappointed in people and wondering why I thought this was a good idea 😂😂
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @iowa52241 Yea I believe that too. Sometimes it just feels hopeless most people give you the time of day to get to know each other or they judge you off your looks cause they have a specific type that they feel they need to find before they can be happy. It’s just frustrating sometimes
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @iowa52241 I feel that 100% most people now and days expect their partner to give it all while they do the bare minimum but that’s not how things work. I want someone who is match what I put into the relationship like it’s not that hard to actually show the person you care and they matter to you...
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @isatis If you would wanna chat you can feel free to message me :) I can’t send chats yet cause of being a new account 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @isatis I can only imagine. And then it feels like they always judge us if we have more then one child. I bet your amazing person to get to know and completely worth it :)
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @masquerading Yea I know I been trying to find someone with the same priorities or at the same point in their life as I am
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    @sergyi Lol it’s cheesy but cute I love it :) because I am like you I have so much to give but a lot goes into the kids. I love the simple things little notes and stuff like that. It just seems now and days that’s not enough anymore.
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    Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

    Hey y’all I’m knew here, dad of 2 boys. Is it just me or does it feel like dating as a single parent is nearly impossible? Trying to find someone who gets that you can’t make them the center of your universe because you have two little humans who depend you as well. I’ve been trying to get back...