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  1. B

    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 I’m all for supporting your partner, but you’re enabling his nutty anxieties. A 1 year old might have body image issues? Come on. Also, how bad was the bottle issue? Again, I’m a stand by your partner person, but it sounds like your partner is using this to isolate you. He doesn’t get...
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    What are your plans for Mother’s Day?

    @rachellee Me too. A few days before I shop for plants. I don’t make any meals or do any discipline. Kids are free to hang out, but I will not cater to them whatsoever. We usually do a picnic lunch at a nearby pretty spot you can bike to. Last year my kids wanted to make me breakfast in bed and...
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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 Yeah that sounds overwhelming. I keep laundry kind of separate. The kids have one basket between their rooms and the adults have ours in our room. I do each basket about once a week. I don’t mix kids and adults. I take the clean stuff directly to where it goes and dump it out. I...
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 Why do you keep saying “complex?” That sounds…. Not good.
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    If you have 1 SAHP and 1 Parent working full time…

    @antoni Yes. And to add- schedule in your off times so everyone knows when they’re on full time kid duty again. Something like, Monday, I take a dance class and husband does bedtime solo. Wednesday, he does a bike ride group. On the weekend, try to both take 2+ hours each somehow.
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    If you have 1 SAHP and 1 Parent working full time…

    @katrina2017 I like that “not mom.” I’m totally cool still cooking or whatever, but get this kid off me!
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    I’m so sick of feeling like I’m always doing something wrong…

    @drawingangel2 Are you safe at home?
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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @ajewelinhiscrown Nobody gets to volunteer my time. Nobody. If she made the play date then she gets to figure out how to make it happen. I’m not going to the store unless I’m already going to the store. Stop allowing this to happen. You aren’t her assistant.
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    How do you guys handle night time wake ups with newborn?

    @striveforclarity Shifts. I never got it worked out quite right but I’m sure there are people here that got a good shift going. Someone has to go to bed quite early for it to work but if you can each get a five hour solid block that will go a long way.
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @capriccio Around me there are several churches with free indoor playgrounds. Sometimes they have set times. My best advice is to join a moms group. I was in three. There are always meetups and play dates happening. Check for free museums around you. Or memberships. We bought a membership...
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    Does your working partner help overnight?

    @daisy83 We started at 10-2-6 rule. From 10-2 I did the night wakings. From 2-6 he did them. Honestly though, with a newborn, IMO he should be handling the other two kids.
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    Today I decided to stop parenting my spouse

    @bpolst I TOTALLY get that because I am exactly the same! Just throwing it out there if that where your pain point is. Gotta either choose the fight or let it go, right? I do the family laundry and I tell my kids starting at age 4: I don’t turn clothes right side out and I do not check...
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    Today I decided to stop parenting my spouse

    @bpolst Good for you. I think this is a message we get from society and depending on how or where you were raised it can be even an even stronger message that women need to mother their husbands. Expecting an adult to behave like an adult is never a wrong choice. Maybe he should just do his...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie The only thing you can’t change about a house is the location. 🤷‍♀️
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    New here, seeking guidance in uncharted territory

    @maddie_addie Will you be working part time or fully SAHP? The way you talk about your wife being flexible implies that you want her to work AND do childcare. That’s not going to work. If you’re a SAHP then you’re the childcare while the working spouse works. When the working parent gets off...
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    It’s hard for me to not feel resentful over my spouse working so much

    @foreverhis84 My husband was in the military before we had kids. I told him I was happy to support his military career if that’s what he wanted, but I would not have children in that lifestyle. He got out and got a 9-5 job. Your husband needs to choose. He can either pay childcare or get a new...