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  1. L

    Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

    @celoxisppm There's a Youtuber/IG creator called Stephanie Buttermore who did what she called 'all in' to recalibrate intuitive eating after years of ED and starvation in the fitness community. She put on a lot of weight, and then lost a lot of it and it was a really interesting and well...
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    Birth story: unplanned c-section. Help me understand what happened. (TW: birth trauma)

    @freeway This is why I'm so pissed off by the 'woman have been doing this for millennia! Your body knows what to do! It's all about mindset!' feedback I hear so often. Women have also been dying for millennia! If it was genuinely about mindset my birth would have gone smoothly. I was...
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    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @kyleeak I have heard people say that children shouldn't leave messes and I genuinely can't fathom it. Literally how do you physically prevent them leaving a mess? Either I would have to be within a couple of feet at every moment to supervise every move or every portable object would need to be...