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  1. F

    Almost 1 y/o and hasn’t learned to self-soothe. Are we setting ourselves up for disaster?

    @tony717 Thanks for responding. Definitely varies - sometimes 45-120 min per nap. Should also add soon to start part-time daycare so schedule going to adjust soon.
  2. F

    Almost 1 y/o and hasn’t learned to self-soothe. Are we setting ourselves up for disaster?

    @praveendass Thank you so much - lots to take in here. He’s definitely not getting his best sleep before midnight and that’s our first goal. And yes we need to really think about sleep associations. Haven’t heard of the chair method so will research more. Thanks again!
  3. F

    Almost 1 y/o and hasn’t learned to self-soothe. Are we setting ourselves up for disaster?

    @katrina2017 Thank you appreciate this. We do need to have a serious talk about trying CIO as hard it may be for us.
  4. F

    Almost 1 y/o and hasn’t learned to self-soothe. Are we setting ourselves up for disaster?

    New parents. Some context: Been doing contact naps during day and allowing him to fall asleep in our arms at bedtime. Wakes up 630-7a, First nap - 930-10a, Second nap - 130-2p, Bedtime 7-730p *Starts part-time daycare in July so will likely adjust. Tried naps in crib and pack n play but...