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  1. A

    Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

    @joeestacy NYS will give you Medicaid to cover anything not covered by your primary insurance. You won’t have to pay anything. It is a really simple form and the hospital worker can help you submit it.
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    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel Forgot to add we had an open PDA! The murmur was first identified on DOL 6 and they were originally just going to monitor it but it started impacting her kidneys so they began to treat it. She had a course of Tylenol and it closed after a week. This was the reason for our follow up...
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    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel 28w1d, 900g, single Pre-eclampsia. I started getting elevated pressures at 22-24weeks. At 24wks I consulted with an MFM and was placed on meds and told to take my BP twice daily. Meds worked initially. 27w4d I was getting really alarming readings and so I called the office and they...
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    Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

    @pinsuariba1983 This is the right answer! My baby was in the NICU in NYS for 90 days and I had bills for 85k at one point on my account but this was inaccurate. I lost so much sleep because I was getting denial letters almost daily from my insurance. The hospital and the insurance go back and...
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    Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

    @joeestacy You won’t have to pay the out of pocket max! In New York a baby that is hospitalized for 30+ days qualifies for Medicaid and they will cover what your primary insurance does not.