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  1. A

    Contacting child when with other parent

    @memrin Are the calls really necessary? I know you want to talk to your kid, totally get that but I would follow your kid’s lead on this one. I have majority time with my kids and they are free to call their dad whenever they want. Calls initiated by the kids last for 20-30 minutes or more...
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    Christmas gifts for coparent that you don’t actually like

    @sabrinawellard We don’t exchange gifts with my ex who we actually coparent well with and are genuinely friendly with. In no way shape or form would I buy a gift for my H’s high conflict ex and her baby daddy. The kids have never asked us to buy one “from them” either so we just don’t. Our exes...
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    Clothing for kids with 2 homes

    @wenura If you don’t have an issue with the kids bringing things back and forth then can they just do that? Or is their mom saying no and that’s what’s causing the issue? We have a HCBM and had some issues with items going back and forth so we no longer transport anything except the kids and...