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  1. L

    Is 3 almost easier?

    @junobet I would agree it doesn't get easier adding a fourth but it doesn't get much crazier... Haha I have 5 kids ages 6, 5, 3, 2, and 16 months and I'm pregnant with my 6th. Sure my life is chaos but it's absolutely amazing seeing their bond and playing with one another.
  2. L

    Is 3 almost easier?

    @abzin44 I feel your pain!
  3. L

    Is 3 almost easier?

    It gets easier when kids can buckle and unbuckle themselves in their car seats. Haha it will be such an amazing day when I no longer have to wrestle toddlers into their car seats.
  4. L

    Is 3 almost easier?

    @morgannicole555 Going from 0 children to having a child was the hardest haha 😂 going from 2 to 3 was easy... Going from 4 kids to 5 kids was kind of a challenge... (I've had 5 kids in 6.5 years, no twins) I'm currently pregnant with baby #6 and I joke that this one might send me over the edge...