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  1. M

    We f***ed up. Ruined sleep trained baby

    @srjoanna If he is falling asleep quickly, what’s wrong with cuddling ?
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    Driving 5/ 6 hours (without counting breaks) for Thanksgiving with a 2 month old. Would you do it?

    @graced1257 if they want to see you , then they can find a way to visit you. You are still recovering from having a baby and personally I think that’s way too much of a drive
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    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @sass Five to six hour stretches or when they do wake up , they go right back to sleep is what I consider a good night.
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @mike_l Hello ! :) I combo feed rn - my LO has refused nursing for almost two months now and though it makes me very sad and sometimes feel useless , I can still produce enough to feed during the day - that being said - he gets formula at night. I don’t nurse him or try to force it anymore and...
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    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @banlawya Generally it depends on how he naps during the day but LO verbally goes down around 7-8 and sleeps in his crib until around 1:00 at the most. Then we co sleep.
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    Hurt Feelings because of Preemie/Newborn Health Precautions (and some of my own hurt)

    @bytor You have to do what is best for your baby. Let your family be as annoyed or upset as they need to be, it’s not worth the stress to make them happy and keep your baby safe .